How NOT to Ditch Your Wedding Kicks

How NOT to Ditch Your Wedding Kicks


How NOT to Ditch Your Wedding Kicks

With the Big Day coming up, your coffee table is littered with wedding magazines and guides, half-written notes to yourself, and a planner full of appointments. It’s a job within itself to pick the perfect cake, announcements, dress and let’s not forget those shoes (as if we needed another excuse to buy a great pair of shoes)!

With all of that going on, it’s easy to forget things; you just have to hope they’re not the big things, like eating or letting the dog out. Often, it’s the simple things, like finding shoes that are not only cute, but comfortable, too. Those brides that can wear their diamond-encrusted stilettos from sunrise to sunset on their special day aren’t goddesses, although they may have you believing otherwise. Here’s their secret:


It’s easy to fall in love with a cute pair of kicks and not bother thinking about the practicality of them. Before rushing right up to the cash register with the ones that are both pink and sparkly, sit down and enjoy a break. Are these heels far outside of your comfort zone? If they are, see if you can find a similar style with a lower heel, or even call a local shoe repair shop and see if they could file the heel down.

Do you normally wear heels? If the answer is no, ask yourself if you really want to wear heels on your wedding day. If you do, practice makes perfect: be sure to walk in them until you become comfortable with the style. Conversely, if heels simply don’t make sense for your wedding (woods, beach, etc.) then consider alternative footwear that can be just as cute!

Finding the Fit

Especially since you will be wearing your shoes for the entire day, make sure you’re getting the best fit. Shoes that fit properly will not pinch your feet (too small or narrow), nor will they allow your feet to slide (too big). Your toes and heels should not hang over the edges, either. If your feet are different sizes, ask the store if they would allow you to purchase the shoes in two different sizes as well. When in doubt, have the store check your shoe size to ensure you’re getting the best fit (yes, they still do that!)


When you’ve found the perfect pair of wedding shoes that fit just right and still aren’t comfortable, cheat: invest in great inserts that cushion your feet in all the right areas. Wear socks when you test your heels around the house to help stretch the bands the tiniest bit, which will create a comfortable, worn-in feel. If all else fails, invest in a great back-up pair of shoes that are more comfortable.

Practical doesn’t have to mean boring—especially for your wedding day!  While finding the perfect balance can seem like Mission: Impossible, steal these secrets and be a bride that doesn’t have to go barefoot on her Big Day!

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