Trendy Modern Invitations To Match Your Colors

Trendy Modern Invitations To Match Your Colors


invitationsbyajalonWhat does your wedding invitation say about your wedding or rather, about you?  Your wedding invitation is the first impression that sets the mode for the rest of the event. Your invitation could also carry the main colors of your wedding. Take a look at  some unique and fun ways to use your wedding colors to match the invitation.

|pics source: Orange [Invite: invitationsbyajalon,  Orange Gele: jideodukoya photography], Teal blue [Iinvite: jideodukoya, Bride with Teal shoe: Rhphotoarts Photography], Yellow [Invite: shineweddinginvitations, Yellow bridesmaids: Paosin Photography], Red [ Invite: Etsy, Bride in Red Gele: Rhphotoarts Photography], Purple [Invite+ Flower centrepiece: Rhpohotoarts Photography], Green [ Invites:Etsy Groomsmen: Rhphotoarts Photography] |

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