What to Pair With Pinot Noir

What to Pair With Pinot Noir


Maybe you are trying to nail down your wedding menu, or maybe you've just had a rough week and you need to sit down with a bottle of red. Either way, here are some suggestions on what to pair with pinot noir.

Appetizers: Crab stuffed mushrooms or a smoked duck flatbread will bring out notes in the wine, without one overpowering the other.

Cheeses: One of the most versatile wines to pair with cheese, pinot noir goes especially well with Comte and Gruyere.

Main Courses: Pinots can be great with everything from salmon to pork. Because it's a fairly light-bodied wine, go for a different wine with beef. This wine also pairs well with spicy Indian and Asian dishes.

Desserts: Sweets like fruit tarts or bread pudding are perfect with pinot noir.

Photo Credit: Wine and Cheese

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