All Of Your Eye Concerns, Solved

All Of Your Eye Concerns, Solved


We're pretty much obsessed with eyes here at MDC headquarters. We love finding new ways to accentuate them, add a pop of color to them, embellish them...the list goes on. They are the windows to your soul, after all, so they better reflect you as fabulously as possible. There is one caveat - they aren't always the most cooperative. Whether you tossed back one too many tequila shots last night and woke up with puffy marshmallow eyes or pulled an all-nighter for work and now resemble a panda, everyone knows the horror of looking in the mirror and feeling very displeased with your peepers. Lucky for you, we're here to solve all of your eye concerns and keep you looking refreshed and youthful for as long as possible. So go ahead - order that second third margarita.

Concern #1: Dark Circles

Solution: Everyone gets them - dark circles can be caused by genetics, lack of sleep, allergies, poor diet and more. Other than to up your sleep intake, what else is there to do to decrease their appearance? Our answer: a lot. In eye creams, look for natural ingredients like licorice and vitamin C to brighten (Yes to Grapefruit Dark Circle Correcting Cream contains both) and up your intake of omega-3 fatty acids to improve blood flow to your skin (they're also amazing for your hair!). When applying concealer (we love Giorgio Armani Maestro Eraser Concealer for covering and treating), make sure you are lightly patting it on instead of rubbing back and forth - rubbing can actually break blood vessels in your skin and create more dark circles. Yikes! Here's some more of our advice on hiding pesky dark undereye circles.

Concern #2: Puffiness

Solution: Puffy eyes are caused by water retention and fluid build-up while you sleep - so don't go blaming The Notebook for all your puffy eye woes (though that lake side kiss scene gets us every time...sniffle). Counter this by sleeping on your back in a more elevated position - this will help the fluids drain. Make sure you are drinking lots of water to avoid any excess water retention, and try placing two steeped tea bags over your eyes when you're out of cucumbers - the tannic acid will help de-puff and shrink any swollenness. When shopping for eye creams, look for ones that contain caffeine to constrict blood vessels and tighten your skin.

Concern #3: Droopiness

Solution: Our legs, abs and glutes aren't the only parts of our body we'd like to tighten - the bags under our eyes could use some help too, thanks. Though sagging around the eyes is a natural part of aging, there is one thing you can do to slow down the process: protect. UV rays weaken collagen and cause premature sagging, so wear sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection and find a moisturizer that contains SPF. Your eyes will thank you.

Concern #4: Fine Lines

Solution: Your number one wrinkle-fighting friend? Retinol. At night, apply an eye cream that contains this potent plumper to stimulate collagen production. For a more sensitive solution, try a product with peptides - they'll be gentler on your skin. Prevent wrinkles by keeping your skin hydrated and supple with an eye cream that contains hyaluronic acid to drench your skin with some much-needed moisture. We love Vichy LiftActiv Retinol HA Eyes and Kiehl's Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Eye Cream to increase skin elasticity and decrease the appearance of wrinkles.

What's your number one eye concern? Tell us in the comments!

photo credit: thinkstock

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