Filled Carrot Crescent

Filled Carrot Crescent


I am a huge fan of salads! I love to make them, and I usually compare the ones I eat, because everyone makes them in totally own way. Even if all ingredients are the same, the taste is always different and unique.

When it comes to serving, I think that putting a salad on a plate it's just too simple and unattractive. Lately I found this great and funny idea for serving all kinds of salads. Beth from "Hungry Happenings" blog proposes serving an egg salad in carrots made of dough. Making them not super easy, but on Beth's blog you'll find full instructions with detailed pics. It's worth all time and efforts and I'm sure your kids will love it (in case they are not into veggies)!

Check out our other funny project - Black Olive Penguins!

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