Camp Loft Bed

Camp Loft Bed


When I was 6, I used to share a very tiny room with my brother. One day our father bought a bunk bed for us. This event had a huge influence on our childhood as a new piece of furniture meant only one thing - more adventures close at hand. We used to build tents and pretend to be Native Americans or we played 'kids in the fridge' which I was a very funny game we invented one morning. Our bunk bed was our fortress, the symbol of our childhood.

Now when I was looking for a bed to maximize available floor space in my son's bedroom I encountered Camp Loft Bed designed by Ana White. She has shared an excellent pattern of how to build a bunk bed with only top bed. The bed is designed for kids to make a place to play, so I'll use Pillow Mattress, Karina wrote about some time ago, to utilize the open space underneath to create a comfortable home playground.

Do you also consider this bed a good place to relax and unwind for your kids? Is it a good nest for them to play and work? I hope you will be inspired and build this comfortable spot for your little ones. Share photos of your Camp Loft Bed on our fan page.

A full tutorial of Camp Loft Bed is available here!

What you need:


Supplies / ingredients:

  • 14 - 2×4 @ 8 feet long
  • 4 - 2×6 @ 8 feet long
  • 2 - 2×2 @ 8 feet long
  • 1 - 1×2 @ 8 feet long
  • 2 ½" PH screws

What is the symbol of your childhood? - Handi

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