Cheery Pink and Red Inspiration Board

Cheery Pink and Red Inspiration Board


At first a red and pink color palette may sound a little wacky for a wedding, but as you can see, it totally works. My personal favorite is cherry red with bubblegum pink, but it is also very appealing in blush and brick or scarlet and whisper. It's pretty much the cheeriest color combo out there. Whether you are getting married on Valentine's Day, or just love romance, this is one fun palette.

With red and pink, floral details pretty much arrange themselves, right?

If you are concerned that this combo may be a little cheesy for you, there are plenty of ways to play it in a subtle way. Red string surrounding a blush invite looks perfectly sweet without being overly saccharine.

I'm not a huge fan of red icing, so I love these red velvet cupcakes with light pink icing and pearly sprinkles.

Credits: Washi Tape Bunting// Glittery Garland// Sprinkle Pops// Place Setting// Centerpiece// Invitation Suite// Red Velvet Cupcakes// DIY Cocoa Favors

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