Your Tweets Are Taking A Toll On Your Relationship

Your Tweets Are Taking A Toll On Your Relationship



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The more you use Twitter, the more likely you are to fight with your partner about it, according to a new study. And unlike with Facebook (more on that later), it doesn't matter how long your loved one and you have been together.

The research was published in the journal "Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking" by Russell Clayton, a doctoral student at the University of Missouri focused on philosophy in journalism.

Clayton posits that too much Twitter could "lead to unfavorable relationship outcomes such as cheating, breakup, or divorce." But to be clear, a Twitter obsession isn't directly correlated to infidelity; it's just his guess.

Clayton, who performed a similar study about Facebook last year, asked 581 Twitter users between the ages of 18 and 67 about their relationships and Twitter habits.

The study's participants were asked questions like "How often do you log in into Twitter?" and "How often do you Tweet?" as well as more pointed questions like "Have you emotionally cheated on your significant other with someone you have connected or reconnected with on Twitter?"

On average, the participants also said that they spent 52 minutes a day, five days a week on Twitter and answered questions about their Twitter fights on a sliding scale.

The results of Clayton's Twitter study were generally similar to those of his Facebook study with one critical exception: Long-time couple are roughly as vulnerable to fighting about Twitter as new lovebirds. With Facebook, long-time couples are a bit more shielded.

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