Aaron Paul Loves His Wife So Much, It Hurts

Aaron Paul Loves His Wife So Much, It Hurts



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Aaron Paul's one-year wedding anniversary is just around the corner, so the actor decided to let us all in on what the first year of married life has been like (hint: it's awesome).

"Marriage is the greatest thing that has ever happened. Look how cute she is," the actor told People magazine at the Open Hearts Foundation's 4th Annual Gala where his wife, Lauren Parsekian, was being honored for her work on the anti-bullying Kind Campaign.

"I couldn't be more proud of her," he said. "I feel so blessed to be able to share this evening with her -- let's be honest, I feel blessed to share any evening with her."

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Of course, Aaron Paul being Aaron Paul, he didn't stop there: "The back of my head hurts from smiling so much," he added. "I always sit back and applaud her on a day-to-day basis. It's nice to see everyone else applaud her tonight."

Yup, he's still got it.

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