A Fresh Flower Alternative

A Fresh Flower Alternative


Looking for bouquet alternatives to traditional fresh flowers? This styled shoot by Jacqeuline Photography features a pretty, handcrafted alternative by Visual Impact Design -all nonperishable!

There are many benefits to using nonperishable flowers, including wilt-proof décor for your outdoor summer wedding and a reduction in carbon footprint by not importing flowers from other parts of the country or world. Nonperishable flowers travel well for destination weddings, are kind to the environment and can hold up to the elements. And you'll have a keepsake for a lifetime!

The possibilities are endless for eco materials for your nonperishable blooms, too. Think wood, recycled paper, fabric, silk, jewels and actual dried flowers. The bouquet featured here also incorporates other nonperishable elements including pheasant feathers, curly willow branches, a studded leather strap and burlap. Lovely!

Learn more about this rustic bouquet and so many other options from the experts at Visual Impact Design!

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