Lipstick Lovers' Biggest Problems, Solved!

Lipstick Lovers' Biggest Problems, Solved!


A girl can never have too many shades of lipstick. But as avid lipstick lovers, we at Team MDC understand the challenges that can come with rocking that bright, dark or nude pout. Rather than accept these common problems, we want to fix them. Here are our solutions to the top lipstick woes.

Problem: Lipstick on the Teeth

Solution: Nothing kills a lipstick high like that universal gesture from a friend (or worse, a stranger). You know the one - lips bared, they slyly point their finger at their teeth to let you know you have lipstick smeared all over your pearly whites. To spare yourself this embarrassment, try this little trick: After applying your lipstick, put your finger in your mouth and close your lips around the finger. This should get rid of any lipstick hiding on the inner part of the lips before it makes its way to your pearly whites.

Problem: Fading Color

Solution: Lipstick is meant to be seen, but sometimes its time in the spotlight fades all too quickly. Swipe on some lip balm prior to lipstick application. Then, apply a lip liner of the same or nearly the same color as your lipstick and fill in the lips a bit with the pencil to give your pout a base color. Finish off with lipstick and your lips will be ready for their closeup all day!

Problem: Lipstick-Stained Wine Glasses

Solution: So it was girls' night, and your fabulous friends really know how to pull off all the best lip colors. Problem is, they left those lip colors all over your favorite wine glasses. Luckily, you can take care of those stains with a grain of salt. Literally. Just put some table salt on your dish cloth, dampen it and then gently massage into the wine glass. Then just use some regular dish soap to finish the job!

Problem: Smeared Color.

Solution: We all know that lipstick loses its cuteness when it starts to spread into non-lip territory. To keep your lip color from bleeding, line your lips with an invisible lip liner like Urban Decay Lip Pencil in Ozone. This will serve as an electric fence for your lip color and ensure it stays put.

Problem: Lipstick-Stained Clothes.

Solution: Lipstick belongs on your lips and nowhere else. Period. The thing that is so frustrating about lipstick on your clothes is that it's a serious pain in the you-know-what to remove. If your fave coral lipstick somehow finds its way onto your shirt collar or sleeve, follow these simple steps. First, apply a stain-lifting solvent on the back of the stain (flip your clothing inside out). Press the stain with a white paper or cloth towel to push the solution into the stain. Discard the towel and rinse the stain. Then, launder the clothing as usual. For those emergency moments when you get a stain while on the go, invest in a travel-friendly stain remover to nix those stains or at least subside the damage until you get home.

Problem: Cakey Lips.

Solution: Dried-up, cakey lipstick is not cute, and we would never want you leaving the house or walking around with cracks in your makeup masterpiece. To avoid this, make sure you exfoliate your pout regularly with a lip scrub. Also, keep them hydrated by applying a lip balm daily. For long-lasting moisture, try Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Too Cool.

Problem: Lifeless Color

Solution: Sometimes the vibrancy of our dream lipstick doesn't seem to translate to our lips. This can be due to your lips' natural pigment and is totally not your fault. Don't give up on your dream to rock that tangerine dream shade! Dab some concealer or foundation on your lips to neutralize them and allow for a workable canvas, and then go ahead and swipe on that shade.

Which of these problems plagues you the most? Let us know in the comments below

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