Going Platinum: What to Know

Going Platinum: What to Know


Sure, history tends to repeat itself (especially when it comes to fashion and beauty), but every time a bold hair move like platinum breaks onto the scene, it feels completely new. And once again, seeing just one person pull off the look has us seriously considering taking the platinum plunge. But this hair color is a serious beauty investment and we should all do our homework before taking the platinum plunge. We are all about taking risks and trying out new trends, but we also want you to have all the facts first. Here is a list of things you should know before going platinum.

1. The Current State of Your Hair Matters. Going platinum is major for your hair. If you've already damaged it with color or overuse of hot tools you may not want to wreak any more havoc on your strands. If you're going in with previously color treated hair, consider darker roots so that the damage isn't as close to the scalp and is less prone to breakage.

2. You Need to Switch Shampoos. Get ready to switch out your tried-and-true shampoos as platinum locks require some special TLC in the cleaning department. Shampoo with violet pigments protects bleached strands and prevents any unwanted shifts in color (and the super unattractive brass or yellowing effect), while a silver shampoo will uphold more ashy tones. These are strong products, so work them into your routine slowly until you determine the dosage your hair needs each week.

MDC Product Picks: Pureology Perfect 4 Platinum Shampoo, Matrix Blonde Care Shampoo

3. The Darker the Hair, the Longer the Transition. Switching to platinum can be a lengthy process, especially for dark-haired ladies. the transition can include multiple salon visits, or long color sessions before the shift is complete. Chat with your hairstylist about what the change will consist of before committing to the color.

4. You Can't Skimp on Hair Health. Maintaining great color is much harder for platinum locks and involves more than simply switching shampoos. Bleach can be harsh on your hair, so you must counteract it with moisturizing products that contain loads of nutrients. MDC Quick Tip: Use a hair primer before washing to help lock in color, as well as hair oils and frequent conditioning treatments to give your mane a regular dose of hydration and proteins.

MDC Product Picks: Redken Blonde Idol Custom-Tone Conditioner Violet for Cool Blondes, Kerastase Masque Chroma Riche, Pureology Colour Fanatic

Have you gone platinum? Share your experience with us below.

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