How to Make Cardboard Cars For Drive-in Theatre - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

How to Make Cardboard Cars For Drive-in Theatre - DIY & Crafts - Handimania


We love the idea of a drive-in theatre but here in Europe it's not as popular as in the States. I can imagine how amazed our kids would be if they were given the opportunity to watch their favorite movies in the car. We wouldn't mind doing it too, as deep in our hearts we are a pretty romantic couple ;)

Stacey Risenmay, the hostess of Not Just A Housewife, decided to recreate the atmosphere of a drive-in theatre at home by making these funny and somewhat practical cardboard cars. With these, you can be sure that movie shows will be less messy than before, even if little ones are given Healthy Rainbow Homemade Gummy Snacks!

Go creative with this project! We'll be happy to see your take on these funny seats!

Check the tutorial on Not Just A Housewife.

What you need:

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