How to Write a Fabulous Christmas Card

How to Write a Fabulous Christmas Card


Especially if you are younger and just married, this might be your first season to send out holiday cards. Or perhaps you've sent out more than your fair share, but have always had a couple questions about proper etiquette. We have the top 5 card-related concerns and solutions to ease your holiday worries (because, seriously, you have more important things to stress over than a Christmas card).

Should you enclose a holiday newsletter/form letter?

These handy-dandy run downs of the past year's events used to be all the rage. Now, we don't need to wait for a yearly card to inform us of your promotion or Tom's new car. We have social media for that. While there is nothing wrong with these letters, they can be tedious (both to give and receive). Consider writing one to send to all of your grandparents and older relatives that might not be on Facebook and will appreciate such a detailed update. If you really love the holiday newsletter tradition, you could also give it a comedic twist, greatly exaggerating details of 2014.

You've selected a religious card for the holidays. Is it appropriate to send it to friends and family that do not share your beliefs?

There is nothing wrong with sending a religious card to anyone. But certainly don't do it for the purpose of making a point or evangelizing. This card should be sharing warmth and well-wishes, not drawing a line in the sand. Rather than being anxious over offending a friend, you could simply purchase a seasonal, but non-denominational card, for those who do not define the holiday as you do. But again, there is nothing wrong with sending the card and simply writing a more personalized message inside that speaks to how much you care for them and value their friendship.

Who should you send a holiday card to?

Anyone you want. Holiday cards are not required; they are completely optional. If you are looking for ways to whittle down your list consider taking out the acquaintances you see on a fairly regular basis. That way both your closest friends and those that are long distance receive a kind holiday greeting. As an in-person holiday greeting serves exactly the same purpose, make sure you wish those previously mentioned acquaintances a happy holiday season when you run into them.

Can a thank you card and a holiday card be combined?

Absolutely. Again, holiday cards are not some sort of societal expectation the same way a thank you card is. As someone who procrastinated every year on her Christmas cards, I have learned to send New Year's cards instead. This way, they get a pretty (and punctual) card along with the requisite thank you, if they have sent me a gift. Plus, sending a New Year's card allows me to send the same card to all of my friends, regardless of religion or chosen holiday. Don't you just love it when practicality wins?

You were married recently and still haven't sent out your thank you notes. What to do?

The most efficient suggestion is to purchase seasonally appropriate thank you cards and ditch the idea of sending a formal holiday card, unless you really want to. The wedding thank you gift cards should be a first priority, especially if you are getting close to the 3 month deadline. Besides, holiday talk will be a great way to fill in gaps on your thank you cards when you are struggling for something to say other than how much you loved the wine glasses.

Here are a few more holiday cards to inspire you:

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