Bridal Shower Brunch Ideas and Recipes

Bridal Shower Brunch Ideas and Recipes


If you are a laid back bride who prefers the calm conversation of a small group of close friends? Then we've got the perfect bridal shower for you! An organic farmhouse style brunch with a table laden with homemade crepes, fresh fruit and an Irish coffee to die for! Sound fabulous? Well then keep scrolling and you'll find even more bridal shower brunch ideas and recipes all while enjoying the gorgeous images captured by Kristin Sweeting Photography.

Crepe Recipe

1 Cup Flour, 1/8 Teaspoon Salt, 2 Eggs, 1 Cup Milk and 2 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter, melted

Heat up a nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Whisk everything in a bowl until smooth. The batter will be watery. Using a ladle, pour a few tablespoons of crepe batter onto the center of the pan. Holding onto the handle of the pan, remove it from the heat and swirl the pan so the batter coats the bottom of the pan. You want to make the coating as thin as possible. Swirl the pan around so batter evenly coats the sides. If you have holes in the crepe, go ahead and add more batter to the pan to cover them.Return the pan to heat.

The batter will quickly dry and loose its shine. Use a non-metal spatula to loosen the crepe from the pan and flip over the crepe. It's perfectly acceptable to use your fingers if necessary. Finish turning over the crepe and make sure that all of the crepe bottom is in contact with the pan. After the crepe has finished cooking, gently slide it out onto a plate. If you like, you can stack the crepes in a ovenproof dish and keep them warm in the oven set at 195 degrees F.

Fruit Compote

Here is a simple recipe to make the reduction - I mixed fresh fruits I got from our local farmers market along w frozen fruits from the grocery store which made a beautiful and delicious combination!

- Approx 2 cups fresh or frozen fruit of your choice
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tsp corn starch

Add all ingredients to a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a slow simmer. stirring frequently until fruit is softened, about 5-10 mins. Allow to cook before serving.

Possible Crepe Fillings

Steamed asparagus with ham, Sweetened Ricotta, Fresh Fruit, Peanut Butter and Bananas, Cheese, Pulled Pork, Apple or Cherry Pie Filling or Sweetened Cream Cheese with Strawberries.

Irish Coffee

- Brew French Press Coffee
- Pour a few tablespoons of Irish Whiskey into a mug
- Add Coffee
- Add a spoon of raw sugar to the mug and stir
- In a glass bowl, whip Heavy Whipping Cream until soft peaks form.
- Top your coffee with your homemade whipped cream
- Enjoy!

Photography: Kristin Sweeting Photography
Caterer: Mariposas Catering
Flowers & Styling: Caroline Jones
Hair & Makeup: Amanda Gros
Dress: The Dress Theory
Venue: Trinity View Farm | Model: Deborah Alexa

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