New Year's Eve Wedding Details

New Year's Eve Wedding Details


There may be no more celebratory an affair than a New Year's Eve wedding. The mood is already festive and optimistic, full of hope about the next year and leaving the woes of the old one behind. It's the perfect symbolic event for a ceremony tying two people's lives together, and starting something brand-new. So, let's bust out the champagne and check out these fantastic details for NYE nuptials.

Champagne + photo booth=automatic awesomeness. Fact. Make your own with oversized gold sequins (above), and hand out traditional party hats. The memories will make themselves.

Or, if you want your photo booth to provide a sentimental touch, encourage your guests to take pictures with a Polaroid and write their resolutions on them. You can either hang them from a clothesline (below), or display them on a table for people to thumb through.

2014 trends aside, metallics are an amazing color palette for any Dec 31st bash. Carry the sparkly greatness through your event, from sequined table linens and pillows (above), to a pretty fantastic fondant cake (below). Pairing gold or silver with white still keeps your wedding classic and bridal. If you prefer a more contemporary aesthetic, try pairing them with black or navy.

When it comes to your NYE menu, remember that with all the champagne that is flowing, guests need to keep nibbling. Lots of bite-size snacks (like these super chic ice cream bites below) will help keep everyone lively and fun, and hopefully prevent a few next-day headaches.

Theme your favors by handing out bright boxes of festive confetti (below).

Clearly, champagne is a big part of this night. If you are the DIY type, make your own glasses (above) to either hand out afterwards as favors or to keep for your own party collection. Serve champagne with swizzle sticks loaded with cranberries, or just go classic and unadorned.

And yes, a NYE bride needs accessories like fuzzy party hats and feather boas. They are a must. Break them out when everyone starts dancing, or at midnight for a fun pic. As you bid your wedding (and 2014) adieu, have your guests wave sparklers to light your way.

Happy New Year's!

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