Free Spirited Friday - 365 Day's of Mindfulness

Free Spirited Friday - 365 Day's of Mindfulness


Word Up Lovely People,

It's Friday! I hope you all have an awesome weekend ahead of you - maybe some of you are going to see a possible wedding venue. If you are, good luck! Finding your venue can be such a headache, especially if you and your partner disagree on what's important. Remember to keep an open mind and, if you need to, compromise. Finding that perfect venue is all about compromising on what is most important to you both.

As a little extra Christmas present, a very good friend of mine bought me two books on mindfulness. They are focused on the art of being still, living in the moment, having focus, slowing down and distressing. I think she's trying to tell me something don't you!? I don't blame her though. I do have a tendency to over think things and this bad habit of mine has intensified in the last few years. The wondering, the what if's, the fear of making the wrong decision. The paralysis of over thinking has stolen so much of my time and I have gained absolutely nothing in return.

1 of the books she bought me is called 365 Day's of Mindfulness by Yvette Jane. The idea, if you haven't already guessed, is for each day of the year the book promotes a different quote or technique surrounding mindfulness. It's aim is to keep you more in the now and to prevent your mind from over thinking. Surprisingly, it really has helped to still my mind. I kind of laughed a little when she gave it to me, but those daily reminders to slow down and appreciate the world around me have had their desired effect.

We all know that planning your wedding at times can be stressful. All that anxiety as to whether people will enjoy themselves and the pressure to keep things under budget can be taxing. If their was anything to coax you down the dark path of over thinking, then planning your wedding is it! To help you keep your bride to be sanity and to encourage your mind to take a break from all that planning, I thought I would share with you the first 16 days of this helpful little book. I hope it reminds you to have focus on what's important and to be brought back into the now......

Mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment, without judgement or worry for the past or the future, calmly and peacefully. It allows you to experience the magic and wonder in this life that we have, and to listen to the wisdom of your own heart.

New Year's Day: Start a journal for this year in which you note down feelings, events and important conversation. It can sometimes help to make sense of things.

Sort out old clothes - take them to a charity shop and visualise an updated, de-cluttered you for the New Year.

An Affirmation is a quiet reminder repeated to yourself as you go about your day. Let today's affirmation be 'relax.'

On waking, spend some moments becoming aware of your body, listening to the sounds around you and noticing what thoughts are in your mind.

While eating your meal, focus all your attention on eating, placing your fork down in between mouthfuls to take time while chewing. Savour each mouthful and bring awareness to every taste.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? You are instinctively being mindful when your brain is engaged in something unfamiliar.

Plan to reduce the number of meetings you have at work, and set aside blocks of time without interruptions. This means you are not rushing from one meeting to the next.

Place water outside for the birds - and stop to watch them wash and preen their feathers.

If something difficult happens today, notice which parts of your body feel tense, then breathe into the area to help you relax.

Do less - do it more slowly, more fully and with more concentration.

Visit a crystal shop and choose a small crystal to keep in your pocket. hold it in your hand whenever you wish to feel calm and centered.

At bedtime, sit for a moment to take stock of your day and review how you are feeling. Acknowledge this, and remind yourself 'all is well.'

I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag at my heart: I am, I am, Iam. Sylvia Plath

Until you make peace with who you are. you'll never be content with what you have. Doris Mortman

We all dash from one place to another - slow down with mindful walking. Take slower breaths, watch your feet as you place them on the ground, and bring awareness to your body as it moves.

The next time it snows, stop to turn your face towards the sky and marvel at the beauty of snowflakes.

To help your mind gain some peace, listen to this........

I hope you find sometime to give your mind a break this weekend. Stop thinking - just be.

Big Mindful Love

Laura xxx

For further reading on the pointlessness of over thinking - read this.

The two books referred to in this article are Yvette Jane's 365 Days of Mindfulness and The Little Book of Mindfulness by Tiddy Rowan

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