18 Little White Lies Married Couples Tell Each Other

18 Little White Lies Married Couples Tell Each Other


Let the record state that we do not condone lying to your husband or wife -- well, not really, anyway. But some fibs between spouses are so innocent and well-intentioned ("I love your vegan chili recipe!" "No, I would never watch an episode of 'House of Cards' without you!") that we feel pretty OK about letting them slide.

Below are 18 harmless lies that married Redditors and HuffPost readers tell their partners again and again. And don't judge -- you're probably guilty of some of these too.

1. "'Go on, go out and have fun. I'm happy to stay home with the kids.' Often true? Yes. True as often as I've said it? No."

via The Coding Love
5. "That his mother's meddling doesn't get to me 'that much.'"

9. "I love your meatloaf, honey. I'm going to take the leftovers to work for lunch!"

13. "No, I didn't already watch the DVR-recorded episodes of our favorite show."

18. "The kids never took a nap so that's why nothing got done. When in reality, they did, and I was just on Facebook the whole time."

**Some responses have been edited and condensed. Keep in touch! Check out HuffPost Weddings on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Sign up for our newsletter here.

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