5 Honeymoon Registry Etiquette Questions

5 Honeymoon Registry Etiquette Questions


We're answering your top 5 etiquette questions about honeymoon registries!

How much detail should I go into on the registry?

Some honeymoon registries run more like a traditional registry, but instead of blenders and towels, you register for a shore excursion or airline tickets. Other honeymoon registries seem more like a cash registry, with a general fund going towards a honeymoon. The former is definitely more interesting for your guests. Buying you a train ticket from Venice to Tuscany is infinitely more rewarding than just writing you a check. Go into as much detail as you can to make your honeymoon registry feel like an interactive experience between you and your guests.

What if I also want a traditional registry?

You and your fiance love to travel, and you certainly are looking forward to a dream honeymoon. But looking around your house, you could probably use a few household goods. Some couples shy away from more than one registry because they don't want it to look like a gift grab, but registering at multiple places can often make things easier on your guests. Perhaps they prefer to buy you something tangible rather than an experience, or maybe they want to go shopping at a store, rather than peruse online. Both registries should feature items at multiple price points so that guests can find you something they are excited about that is within their budget.

How do I handle guests that feel like a honeymoon registry is asking for cash?

Honeymoon registries still aren't the norm for many people, especially older relatives and more traditional families. If someone feels that a honeymoon registry is rude, they might express that to your family or wedding party members (they probably won't speak directly to you). Encourage your "representatives" to explain that a honeymoon registry is the chance to share in the ultimate gift-lots of good memories (and they should remind the "offended" guest that any gift they want to give-on or off registry-will be received with gratitude).

How do I write my honeymoon registry thank you notes?

It's sometimes daunting looking at the big blank space of a thank you card. For honeymoon registries, you write them much the same way you would for a traditional gift. Thank the guest for the specific experience they gave you. For example, if your grandmother bought the two of you a private dinner on the beach, make sure to tell her little details about the meal, the beautiful weather, etc. On all of your thank you notes, jot down a few sentences about how the honeymoon went, in general, and (briefly) your plans for the next couple of months.

What if a specific item on my honeymoon registry is cancelled? Do I tell the giver?

Big ticket items on your honeymoon registry are often divided into multiple gifts. So, it's pretty common to register for something and not have it completely fulfilled. If it turns out that you weren't able to go on the side trip to the Alps during your Paris honeymoon, do you tell the 3 people who gave you money for it? Normally, if you were to exchange a traditional gift, you wouldn't inform the gift giver. However, because of social media, it's going to be pretty obvious from your Instagram feed where you went on your honeymoon. Let those people know what you did instead, and be as specific as possible. Perhaps you took those 3 gifts and were able to afford a river cruise in Paris. Simply write that the initial excursion didn't work out and move on to what you decided to do instead.

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