How to Choose the Best Bridesmaids Updos That Complement the Bride

How to Choose the Best Bridesmaids Updos That Complement the Bride


Being a bridesmaid can be quite the undertaking. Along with helping arrange a slew of wedding festivities, you also take on the responsibility of being a component in one of the most important days of a person's life. That's HUGE. That's why everything from your shoes and jewelry to your hair need to be considered and planned to a T. Hair especially should be carefully executed so it works well with the bride's style and look. You didn't think you could just throw your hair up into any old bun, did you? Well, if you're beginning to panic and flood your brain with hairstyles and ideas, allow us to give you some tips. Here are three things to consider when picking a hairstyle that will complement the bride.

Opposites Attract

We'll kick off this hair guide with the cardinal rule of bridesmaid beauty. Do not, we repeat, do not choose a hairstyle that is remotely similar to the bride. Like, EVER. This day is all about letting the bride shine brighter than everyone else in the room, including you (don't worry, your time to shine will come on your wedding day). To be safe, we recommend going with a 'do that's the opposite of what the bride is doing. For example, if the bride is wearing her hair down, try pulling your mane back into a messy chignon or sleek top knot. By the same token, if the bride is pulling her hair up into a bun or updo, try a half-updo or loose, retro curls. Get it? Got it? Good!

Work With the Theme

Make sure your hairstyle makes sense for the wedding's theme. If you're attending a laid-back beach wedding, natural waves are probably the most appropriate. For a garden wedding, try a pretty braided style and for an upscale formal affair, consider an elegant side chignon. It's important that your look aligns with the overall wedding environment. Simple as that.

Wear Hair Accessories

Hair accessories are a great way to tie your look into the bride's overall theme. For instance, if her floral arrangements consist primarily of roses, try throwing one in your hair. If the bride's dress has some heady beading or studding, try replicating those details in a headband or hair clip. Hair accessories are also a great way to keep all the bridal party consistent, regardless of the hairstyles they choose.

Most importantly, make sure you've run your ideas by the bride. Ultimately, it's her approval that should be your guide.

Want to fill your brain with more hair knowledge? Check out our hair tips and tutorials.

Photo: thinkstock

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