Free Spirited Friday - Unplug to Slow Down

Free Spirited Friday - Unplug to Slow Down


Hey sweet readers,

It's Friday... And relaaaaax. The weekend is nigh and I don't know about you guys, but there's a hint of Autumn in the air as I sit and chat to you guys, and (no one's more surprised than me) I'm kinda feelin' it!

I've got a cosy knit on, a Pain Au Raisin scented candle lit (yes, you need one in your life) and the smooth tones of Zara McFarlane serenading me.

Can anyone believe how quickly the summer is passing? I mean, mid August, what? Like really though, WHAT?!

We say it all the time though, don't we?

'Where does the time go?'

'Seems like yesterday'

'The other day...' (when you're referring to something that happened 6 months ago!)

How do we slow down? In this ultra fast, all consuming life we live, is it possible to find a sustainable way to be present? And for the bride-to-be, how does she find a way amidst the crazy-wonderful chaos of wedding planning to take stock, to form lasting memories of this life changing process? Indeed, to slow down on the day itself!

For those of you that know me personally, you'll know I'm a full scale social media addict, in particular Instagram, Pinterest and my fair share of Facebook... What can I say?! It's my job.

That said, I'm gaining more and more awareness of the power of unplugging.

It isn't something that just happens though. It takes a surprising amount of self-discipline and determination; I mean, let's face it, the vast majority of us genuinely have a smart phone addiction (for real, mine is just an extra digit on my right hand!)

You might remember in last week's 10 Ways to Make Life Lovely post, we talking about spending the first hour of every day 'sans phone', without any form of screen in fact. Having endeavoured to make this a habit for the last week - to see if it genuinely made a difference to my morning routine - I've discovered several things:

One: It's harder than you'd think

Two: I find myself being more observant, more focused and, as a result, less irritable in the morning (haha, have I mentioned I am not a morning person?!)

Three: It really does slow you down

Four: It's attainable

...Those last two are all kinds of important! After a little perseverance, maintaining just an hour a day of the screen-free life has made my days feel longer (in a good way!), my mornings more productive, my breakfast a little tastier (read more on mindful eating here) and my mind a little clearer.

It's doable, in a world where it's becoming increasingly difficult to exist without a smart phone for your business as well as your social life, for just an hour a day let the world wait.

If your mornings are a little fast paced, and this practice just isn't feasible for you, here are some other amazing ways to unplug that we love:

We LOVE this idea, and it's a trend that seems to be growing in popularity in a big, big way: leave your iPhone at the door. For a bride and groom it means looking out at the guests at your ceremony and seeing their smiling faces, rather than the back of their iPhone as they try and snap yet another angle on your vows.

For the guests it's savouring every mouthful of the amazing street food you serve at your reception, rather than consuming it while simultaneously posting a shot of it to their Instagram feed (ahem! Guilty as charged), it's getting to know the bride's 2nd cousin twice removed and realising you both have a secret thing for crochet and exchanging top tips. Hell girl, it's dancing the night away with both hands free in the air!

It's just a super rad concept that we're all about! Apply it to your hen party, the stag, your last few dinner dates as fiancées... You'll make some cherished memories!

Such a simple and easy thing to put into practice, but my oh my are we all guilty of this.

You know what I'm talking about, hands up if you sat watching the #GBBO on Wednesday night with your phone in your hands checking Twitter at the same time?!

Yeah, me too.

So basically what we're saying is, wherever you are, be all there, even when that means using a screen. If you wanna peruse Pinterest for bouquet ideas, do just that and be focused on only that. Time passes so much faster, with much less productivity, when you're tryna focus on two screens.

Ok, so I can't say I've actually done one of these, but I'm gonna attempt it this Sunday (WISH ME LUCK).

What's a digital detox? Just like any other detox, it's a period of time completely sans technology. No phone, (aside from if you're heading out, so that you're call-able, be safe!), no computer, no iPad... The works!

You can do 24 hours, the entire weekend, or eve just a couple of evenings a week. Whatever it is that works for you and gives you that genuine, and probably much-needed, down-time.

Take time to just sit and chat with your nearest and dearest, open an actual book (yes, Kindles are off limits too!), take a swim, watch the sunset; breathe in the moment, your life, and let the memories sink in deep.

Happy weekend beautiful ones, we'll see you on the flip side!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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