Vancouver Party Music, Feeling Sad and Sending Emails with Richard MacFarlane of 1080p Collection | Listen Up!

Vancouver Party Music, Feeling Sad and Sending Emails with Richard MacFarlane of 1080p Collection | Listen Up!


Album art for Project Pablo's I Want to Believe by Devon White

Vancouver is still ruling our lives as we anticipate our new store opening September 18 in that gorgeous Canadian city.

To get properly psyched up, we've been bumping beats from 1080p Collection nonstop, 1080p being the label run in Vancouver by one of our heroes Richard MacFarlane-who maintains a frequency of albums and quality of music which makes other labels look lazy in comparison.

We asked MacFarlane which 1080p music would be best for three situations: a party, feeling sad and listening while at work.

For partying, MacFarlane suggested Vancouver's own Project Pablo-whose hazy house music soundtracks some excellent Tech Decking in the video below for "Movin' Out":

Read on for MacFarlane's commentary. Now please excuse us while we turn up the volume and think Vancouver thoughts about skateboarding, wildlife and islands.

-Andrew Matson

For a party

The Project Pablo album that came out this year is pretty peppy and jumped-up. It depends on what kind of party. The Feingold release is pretty solid techno, which is probably good for the party. This guy Riohv, from Ottowa, has this scruffy ecstasy to it. Kind of lo-fi house/techno music.

Feeling sad

Personally I've found the new CFCF release to be inspiring. It has a transcendental New Age sound. There's a new one coming out from Dialect, from Liverpool, but living in Brooklyn right now. Weird, textural, ambient stuff-almost Steve Reich. I would also say this album by SETH, which is a beak-up album-a wonky break-up album, but a break-up album nonetheless.

While at work

I think this Neu Balance tape would be good for that. It's tapping into a late 1990s IDM, but also pretty melodic and upbeat as well. I remember when that came out, I sent a lot of emails. Which is one of my favorite things to do. I love to listen to music and send emails.

-Richard MacFarlane

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