LOOKOUT! Big, Bad Pit Bulls Are Coming For You... With Kisses

LOOKOUT! Big, Bad Pit Bulls Are Coming For You... With Kisses


... if you hate kisses.

The pitties in the video above are coming for you, armed with slobbering mouths and so much love. So if you're allergic to snuggling or just downright despise some love from a furry friend, then we recommend you stay far, far away from these blocky-headed love bugs.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

For the second year, The Huffington Post is holding a week-long, community-driven effort to bust the myths and raise awareness about pit bulls, a maligned "breed" that often bears the brunt of dated, discriminatory legislation that can make it near impossible for these dogs to find a forever home. You can follow along with HuffPost Pit Bull Week here, or on social media where we'll be using the hashtag #PitBullWeek.

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