Capturing stray photons and telling stories with D.C.'s L Hewitt Photography

Capturing stray photons and telling stories with D.C.'s L Hewitt Photography


Sometimes you see a photography portfolio that just oooooozes style and skill. That's what we're seeing with our lovely sponsor, Leah of L Hewitt Photography. Gauzy environments, delicate color treatment, and genuine expressions are all over her photos. DO WANT.

We think you'll want it, too, so we're showing you what she's got going on in the Washington, D.C. area (and all over since she travels!), what she can do for your wedding photos, and why you won't regret making a new friend in Leah. Let's talk shop with her.

We got some background from Leah about how she works and what her process does for your resulting photography.

First, I LOVE her description of herself: "I capture stray photons and tell stories with my camera. I love discovering and capturing the unique character of every wedding and client in both small and grand ways. Finding beauty in imperfection is important to me. I'm passionate about what I do, and I want you to be too." It's like she was made for offbeat clients like you guys. Here's a little more from Leah herself:

My philosophy is that photography is a balance between science and magic, or the mind and the heart. Many photographers talk about storytelling, but I love the sort of stories that you sit around the campfire and tell. My goal is to bring these stories into my photography by making small, fleeting moments seem grand, and bringing a sense of epic proportion to portraits that I feel emphasize the spirit of the day.

I want my clients to enjoy the richness of life as much as I do. My ultimate goal is to make my clients cry. A lot. I want them to ache over the beauty of their photos and the moments I catch. I want them to share this treasure with their kids and chosen family. And I want them to come away feeling like I was one of the best parts of their wedding day - fun, professional, knowledgeable, and someone they can trust and enjoy being around.

Let's hear from one of Leah's clients, who absolutely knows how a stellar photographer can be a game-changer:

She has a truly artistic and professional eye for the perfect picture. She quickly and easily sets up shots capturing stunning images. I could not believe how many amazing images we got back. She would pull us away for a few minutes here and there throughout the evening (when the sun was just right, or she saw a spot that would be great), and it was so easy and unobtrusive. I felt like I didn't even remember her doing it and never missed a moment of my wedding.

The thing that is amazing to me is that she didn't just take photos of the day; she was able to capture the essence and the emotion of our wedding through her images. Few people are able to do that. She is also super fun and can easily handle a large crowd of guests/groomsmen/etc. Leah will be out on the dance floor, in the mix, getting great photos. She clearly loves her job. Out of all the vendors you hire, the photographer is the person you interact with the most on your wedding day, and Leah has such a bright and lovely way about her, it was just like having another friend there.

Offbeat Discount:

Couples with lots of ink, highly unusual locations, or traditions, and teachers need to get in touch with Leah for a special discount!

The trick with Leah is that she only takes on a set number of clients per year, so if you're loving what we're showing, you'll need to make contact sooner rather than later. What can I say, our girl's in demand! Take a peek at her travel schedule, too, since she may already be in your area near your wedding date.

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