Matthys & Adele's Malgas Wedding - Wedding Friends

Matthys & Adele's Malgas Wedding - Wedding Friends


Our beloved country is filled with non commercial jewels, just like the beautiful little town of Malgas, in the Western Cape. This settlement is also home to the last man-hold cable ferry in South Africa. The beautiful surroundings and the tranquility of the river was the perfect backdrop for Matthys and Adele's wedding. Photography by Expressions Photography.

Lovebirds | How did you two meet?

We met at Malagas, a small holiday spot next to the beautiful Breede river. There was a
good old fashioned 'lang arm' shed dance where our paths crossed. To go full circle, 7
years later we got married at Malgas.

I said Yes | How did the proposal go down?

He proposed on their farm, Aandblom. It is also the name of a small yellow flower that
grow there. He cut a small clearing in one of their Canola fields and surprised me with a
picnic at sunset with champagne, a couple of hand picked 'Aandblomme' and a sea of
yellow canola flowers that surrounded us.

The Big Day | Tell us the most memorable moment of your wedding day?

For me personally, I think it was the look on my soon to be husband's face as I came
down the isle with my dad.

For us as a couple, probably the opening of the dance floor as we rocked and rolled over
the dance floor on one our favorite Afrikaans 'lang arm' songs.

I Quote | Describe in one sentence your wedding day

A magical and unforgettable day of love, fun, and all the beautiful things in life that
money can't buy.

Forever & Always | Any advice for future brides

Don't sweat the small stuff.
You will never in your life again feel as beautiful as you do that day.
Take just a couple of moments with your new husband to walk away from the reception.
Take that time to see everything from a far and take it in. It's moments like that, that will
carry you through the tough times.

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