Let non-geeks in on the jokes with your geeky wedding program

Let non-geeks in on the jokes with your geeky wedding program


I hate (like reeeeeeaaaaally don't like) being on the outside of an inside joke. Don't get me wrong, I love my inside jokes with my friends - but I am way quick to clue new friends in because, ugh, who likes being the person who just doesn't know what's going on? NO ONE, that's who.

So I am in total love with how Karen and Terry let their non-geek guests know what was up at their geeky wedding. With little nods to everything from World of Warcraft to the Discworld to Adventure Time, Karen and Terry decided to drop some knowledge on any guests who might be a bit in the dark. They drafted up a super informative geeky wedding program, with short and sweet blurbs explaining just what steampunk meant anyway and yes, the Discworld really is flat.

Awww. How nice is that? We may not all be geeks (or we're geeky in different ways), but you can make sure everyone still feels included with a little hard-copy Wikipedia!

Granted, it's not always easy to explain some of our fave geek stuff! How would you describe your geeky wedding elements to a nongeek?

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