A love story between two hiking fans (with a surprise ring bearer story!)

A love story between two hiking fans (with a surprise ring bearer story!)


Joe and Anne met on a cruise ship a few years ago and decided to get married at 60 years old. Joe had never been married before, but when Joe met Anne, he knew she was the love of his life. They got married at Schooley's Mountain Lodge, their favorite hiking spot. After their ceremony, they hiked to a waterfall for some photos pictures. The best part? When he was a little boy, Joe was the ring bearer for his uncle. When Joe got married in June, his uncle, now 80 years old, was his ring bearer!


Photographer: Carole Cohen Photography* Other Location: Schooley's Mountain Park Lodge


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Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at BijouxandBits.com.

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