24-carat style: this gold wedding decor is the real deal

24-carat style: this gold wedding decor is the real deal


If there's one trend in home decor AND in weddings that I'm seriously digging, it's gold details. I just... love gooooold. What, I can't pull out a 14-year-old reference. Oh fine.

At least we can all agree that Missy and Ryan's gold and pink decor is seriously lovely and worthy of ogling while bathing in gold leaf. Or, you know, while just avoiding work at your desk. Let's peek at their 24-carat-themed gold wedding decor.

Stay tuned for tips from Missy on Ryan on how to plan an awesome morning brunch wedding!

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at BijouxandBits.com.

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