The world's most perfect blue wedding shoes?

The world's most perfect blue wedding shoes?


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I'm not sure, but I think these might be the perfect blue wedding shoes... sparkles? Check. Low heels? Check. Blue for those of you going for the "something old, something new, etc etc" angle? Check. 1960s-influenced retro look that may or may not also feel sorta like a French courtesan? Check. Bows on the front? Check.

But maybe you're like, "No, Ariel. These are not the most perfect blue wedding shoes for me." That's cool too. Let's see if we can find something more up your alley... you want navy heels? Periwinkle flats? Cerulean wedges? Let's make this work!

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(Pro tip: set up a universal registry on Amazon to immediately add weird shit like this to YOUR registry.)

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