These gamers had a Fallout-themed wedding with the most fab rainbow dress

These gamers had a Fallout-themed wedding with the most fab rainbow dress


The Offbeat Bride: Ali

Her offbeat partner: Erik, Stress Analyst

Date and location of wedding: Georgetown Stables in Seattle, WA - August 12, 2015

Our offbeat wedding at a glance:

My partner and I are huge gamers, and one of the first games we played together was Fallout: New Vegas. We've both been fans of the series for years. So we decided to have a Fallout-themed wedding! We decided on a '50s post-apocalyptic theme.

Tell us about the ceremony:

We kept the ceremony short and sweet - under 15 minutes. One of our very dear friends officiated and my partner and I read vows we wrote.

Tell us about your reception:

It was relaxed and fun. We had amazing catering and all the food had themed names, including a mac' n cheese bar that was the real star of the wedding. The venue had so much cute, kitschy stuff we hardly had to decorate, though we did hand make bouquets of flowers made from comic book pages. There were also cupcakes and a cutting cake done with wedding toppers made by my partner.

What was your most important lesson learned?

There were the pretty normal challenges for a wedding, but overall I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. I'm honestly not very interested in tradition. We ditched the majority of the more traditionally sexist traditions I wasn't feeling, and my partner and I did what we wanted. However, I was really bummed out that we went directly to our honeymoon after the wedding and I didn't get to live off wedding leftovers for days. That is the only thing I would have changed.

I am very fat in my pictures.I didn't care then and I don't care now! I looked and felt amazing.

Also, I am very fat in my pictures and I have like four chins in a lot of them. I didn't care then and I don't care now! I looked and felt amazing and had the best day ever. Bodies are beautiful in all their shapes and sizes and worrying about how you look is boring and unfun.



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