10 Wedding Gift Ideas For Your Bride - Polka Dot Bride

10 Wedding Gift Ideas For Your Bride - Polka Dot Bride


Cindy Man Hun

Image by Geist & Gradicsky Photographers via Twelve Romantic Gestures For Your Bride

Just because you're marrying your bride it doesn't mean you're let off giving her a wedding gift! Stuck? Look at what she values. Maybe she has impeccable taste or maybe she is a fan of creative gestures. Either way, we have all the faith in the world that you'll be able to think of and put together a gift that is just right for her! We present you with ten wedding gift ideas for your bride:

1. Jewellery

Jewellery is a meaningful gift and it's seen an absolute token of love! An idea is to organise couple bracelets (perhaps with your names and date of marriage engraved on them) for you to wear at your wedding.

2. Framed collage Image via hardtofind

Does your bride have a good sense of fun and humour? Create a collage with both good and bad photos of the two of you, truthfully showcasing your personalities. Frame it, and you guys will have another reason to laugh everyday!

Image via hardtofind. 3. Gifts throughout the day

4. DIY scrapbook

It's no surprise that your bride will be going through a whirlwind of emotions on your wedding day. Thoughtful little actions, like having her favourite go-to drink and a bouquet delivered to her in the morning, getting her bridesmaids to offer her with sweets or chocolate and sending her cute texts here and there are helpful in calming her down and reminding her that you're thinking of her.

5. Camera

Show off your creativity, and make a scrapbook filled with memories between you and your bride. Buy a plain scrapbook, and in it stick notes, photos, movie tickets, event tickets, plane tickets and anything else that helps bring your love story together.

A camera is much more meaningful than it seems. It will give your bride a means to capture and store moments that occur in your future. Gift her with a travel camera so she can take photos on your very first holiday, your honeymoon!

6. Love letter/poem

Image via Harvey Norman

7. Mini getaway

Do you have a talent for expressing yourself through writing or poetry? Why not write your bride a heartfelt love letter or poem? She will appreciate your honesty the most, hence, remember to go as deep as your heart allows!

8. Mix CD

On top of your honeymoon, you could plan a much smaller escape, without your bride's knowledge! A spa treatment day and hotel stay are excellent surprises!

9. Designer wallet/bag

One of the most romantic things you could ever do is round up all the songs that represent your relationship (in your eyes) and burn them onto a CD. This kind of CD would only evoke happy feelings in your bride!

If your bride is into high-end brands, add a designer wallet or bag to her collection for her to use on a day to day basis.

10. Painting

Is your bride crazy about art? You could purchase a painting by her favourite artist or better yet, get an artist to paint her favourite photo of you two. If you can paint, bonus! Paint something that symbolises your love for her.

You know your bride best! Don't stress though, as at the end of the day it's the thought that counts, and your bride will be thankful no matter what she's given.

Ms Chinoiserie Says: Such romantic and creative surprises for your bride; the idea of an original painting is sure to be one to treasure.

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