Hochzeit - Fingerstache Vs. Schnurrbart

Fingerstache Vs. Schnurrbart

I really don’t get star-struck. Celebrities are just normal people. I’m not impressed by money or things they’ve done. But when I meet someone who genuinely comes off as sincere, humble, gracious and funny, then I’m impressed, regardless of their profession. I never get autographs, or ask for my photo with them… until Saturday Nicole told me on the way to the wedding I was shooting with her that at the reception, her and I would be sitting right next to Jon Voight. Not only is he an Oscar-winning actor, but happens to be the father of this actress named Angelina Jolie. He drove some of the bridesmaids to the church and then afterwards at the Redondo Beach pier, bought all of us Churros while taking the bridal party shots. Then he held all their bouquets, purses & jackets while we did some other fun shots. He even

Quelle : http://www.flickr.com/photos/70121902@n00/53471857

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