Hochzeit - 100 Layer Cake

100 Layer Cake

Click over to the blog to peruse a wedding complete with a bridesmaids' brunch, floral ceremony, and one sweet pup. > Planning & Design: @livinglasbodas | Photo: @criscanibanofotografia | Video: @luznortestudio | Flower Design: @pandofloristas | Venue: @la_casona_de_amandi | Hair: @llonguerasoviedo | Makeup: @ps_asturias | Brunch: @misdulces26 | Wedding Dress: @ohqueluna | Bridesmaid dresses: @apparentiaofficial | Shoes: @pedromiralles | Jacket: @placidosastre | Jewelry: @parfois_ | Decor: @brocantia | Models: @mariamoranh6 @scarnit @nuristime @martacamin @carlaherrero3 @andrestamargo

Quelle : https://www.instagram.com/p/byfjkkhbrl_

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