Hochzeit - Kat Williams

Kat Williams

I started Rock n Roll Bride in 2007 to talk about my own wedding. I continued with Rock n Roll Bride (post wedding) in 2008 to share all the other super cool alternative weddings I was seeing being shared in forums or in places like Flickr (remember Flickr!?) that mainstream bridal magazines and blogs wouldn't ever touch. I made Rock n Roll Bride my career in 2009 by using my platform to help others, by sharing as much advice as I could and by regularly answering our readers questions to help them solve their wedding planning problems. It's now 2019 and I am still here! Hit me with your wedding planning woes, wobbles and dilemmas and I'll answer them in future "Dear Kat" articles in the magazine. You can comment below, DM and my inbox is always open. I look forward to hearing from you!

Quelle : https://www.instagram.com/p/bwjjbnjhgkl

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