Hochzeit - Lavender bridal bouquet, lilac bridal bouquet, lavender rose bride bouquet, romantic bride bouquet.

Lavender bridal bouquet, lilac bridal bouquet, lavender rose bride bouquet, romantic bride bouquet.

Handmade and unique bridal bouquet made with all artificial flowers and greenery, featuring lilac- lavender roses of excellent quality, eucalyptus greenery and transitional fillers in white. These flowers will last all day and you will be able to display then in your home after the wedding, that is the beauty of artificial bouquets. When ordering this listing You will receive: 1 bride bouquet as pictured (approx.10 inches round) and 1 matching groom boutonniere. Please include your wedding...

Quelle : https://www.etsy.com/listing/735385498/lavender-br

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