Hochzeit - Christina - Hair Romance

Christina - Hair Romance

{sponsored} @schwarzkopf I've got a secret I've been dying to share with you... and this secret comes with hair tips, too! The secret is that I'm one of the #SCHWARZKOPFcreators this year, which is pretty exciting. I've been testing the new @schwarzkopf Extra Care Rosehip Oil Elixir and I swear it's been my hair saviour this season. I've been using it every time I swim and my hair afterwards feels so soft. Very impressed. And for my northern hemisphere friends struggling with dry hair this winter, this fresh rose scented oil protects your hair and makes you feel like spring is almost here. #Schwarzkopf #createyourstyle

Quelle : https://www.instagram.com/p/btxwmprbdq1

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