Hochzeit - Kat Williams

Kat Williams

"You're not thin enough" "Your skin is too pale" "Those boobs are way too big" "And your tummy is well wobbly" All the worst things I hear about my body are always inside my head... I sure do give it a fucking hard time. As much as I spread the message to BE YOURSELF, FUCK THE DIET and DON'T CHANGE YOURSELF FOR ANYBODY ELSE, having a positive attitude about my own appearance is still, even after 10+ years of recovery from my eating disorder, something I struggle with every single day. Preparing for this trip gave me so much anxiety. How would I hide all my "flaws" when I had to be in swimwear? How could I disguise my tummy and contain my boobs without wearing a cover-up all day? Well, my friends, I'm in no way out the other side, but I am in a bikini top...in public... And I'm posting a photo of it on the internet (something I thought I'd NEVER be able to do) so I'll take that as my first big win. My FAVOURITE body positive babe to follow is @bodyposipanda, and she recently said this in an interview with @glamouruk. It helped me when I was feeling my most anxious and maybe it will help you too. "Being on holiday in a bikini is about creating memories and experiences, it is not about your body. The thing about the bikini body is that if you are going somewhere that requires you to wear a bikini, you’re going there to make some memories and have experiences with people you love. You’re not an object in a bikini that other people are going to walk past and cast judgement on you. You’re there to live your best life." Amen girl!!! ------ Press trip with @kurumba_maldives who have been nothing short of amazing

Quelle : https://www.instagram.com/p/bv9wnxxhy-8

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