Hochzeit - Kat Williams

Kat Williams

This is the hardest post I've ever had to write. Two weeks ago we found out my dad has cancer. He's never smoked a day in his life and he has lung cancer. It's rare but it happens...and I just don't understand. I really can't function very well right now. I've been in a constant state of shock, fear and, when I'm not crying, on the brink of tears since then. The first time I tried to go to the supermarket after finding out I burst into tears in front of the treacle. My dad is the smartest, strongest, most 'no bullshit' man I know. It's difficult seeing him so vulnerable and scared. It's a waiting game right now which is the hardest thing to deal with...more tests, more waiting for results, more promises of an answer next time... but it's taking forever. For context, he first went to the doctor about a persistent cough in January. All we do know is the cancer can't be removed because it's too close to his heart and it's spread to his ribs. We're now just waiting for even more test results to find out what the treatment will be. I'm trying to stay positive and believe everything will be fine but it's really hard. REALLY FUCKING HARD. I'm not sure what I'm expecting by sharing this with you. It just feels right to, especially since you all show me so much love on this silly little platform. I'm not sure what this is going to achieve... nothing I suppose... Thank you so much for your lovely DMs, emails and messages recently. Thank you so much for all your kind words and thoughts. Thank you for your support and love. If I could be so bold as to ask just a little bit more it would mean the world to me if you could take that love and energy and keep directing it, and your prayers, at me and my family at this beyond shit time. We're all in so much pain and I'm really not OK. We'd really appreciate specific prayers that this next round of test results come back soon so he can get the fuck on with some actual treatment. I'm really struggling so hard to feel anything but sadness right now. It's slowly getting easier to deal with but it's still so hard to concentrate on anything else except what might happen next. That's all.

Quelle : https://www.instagram.com/p/b1n1ctqhk85

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