3 Awkward Wedding Gift Situations and How to Handle Them

3 Awkward Wedding Gift Situations and How to Handle Them


You exchanged a gift from your grandmother, and while she is visiting she asks to see it.

Nana caught you red-handed with this one. But that vase was hideous (and expensive), and it had a gift receipt. It was like it was begging to be exchanged. Making this even more awkward, you did exactly what you should do and thanked her for the vase in your thank you note. The best way to handle this is to come clean. Tell your grandma how grateful you were for the gift, but that you didn't think it would be put to good use, and you really needed something else for your home. Apologize if you have hurt her feelings, and offer to show her the gift you exchanged it for.

You received two coffeemakers, and since you couldn't return one, decided to re-gift it. But you got caught via a mutual friend who gave you the gift initially.

Play this one off positively and honestly. Simply say that you received two identical items and while you love the coffeemaker, it's not like you could have both sitting on your kitchen counter. Also mention that you were excited to give the present because of how much you use it. And then move on. This is not the cardinal sin some make it out to be.

You've been procrastinating on your thank you notes and run into a friend at the store. She asks you if you received the gift she sent you.

Yep, you know you should have sent your thank you notes out months ago. The boxes of unaddressed envelopes haunt you by your bedside table every night. When you run into your friend, it's clear that she is a little miffed. After all, that stainless steel blender wasn't cheap. The best way to address this is to immediately say that you received it, thank her profusely, and admit that you have neglected sending out your cards, but that she should expect one soon. And then, follow up on that promise. A late thank you note is always better than none at all.

Photo Credit: Lace Hanky Photography

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