No Sew Roman Shades

No Sew Roman Shades


Although we live in a moderate climate, some days in summer are unbearable because of the heat. Our apartment is on the highest floor of the building, and its windows face south, so you can imagine how hot it may become when the temperature reaches 30 Celsius degrees.

For some time, I've been thinking of installing shades to block the heat. I've already managed some sewing projects like Rainbow Bubble Quilt, but I guess making shades will require some more precision. While doing research for shades pattern, I stumbled upon my rescue - No Sew Roman Shades. The owner of 365 Days 2 Simplicity presents how to make shades without using a sewing machine. The project is just right my street.

Do you think this task will be easy. I'll undertake the challenge. If you want to show off your shade projects don't hesitate to send them to our fan page.

A step-by-step tutorial of No Sew Roman Shades is here.

What you need:

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