How to Make Art Desk - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

How to Make Art Desk - DIY & Crafts - Handimania


In my opinion being a crafter is not only a creating from scratch but finding another use for old things as well. Reusing, upcycling may be even harder and require more creativity. Using old furniture or old design elements is a great way to keep that thing, if you feel a strong attachment to them and you can't throw them away. I understand it, I am this kind of 'collecting everything' person ;)

A great example of what I wrote above is: making Salvaged Door Coffee Table, constructing a Cat Bed From A Computer Monitor or turning old cupboard door into an art desk. Autie from iCandy Handmade came up with the latter idea and showed it on U Create website. Whole process is quite simple and final effect seems to be as much decorative as useful for kids. Especially if your kids likes to draw and want to develop their artistic talents.

Have you ever changed any old stuff into something with completely different use? Talk to me in comments below!

Check out the tutorial on U Create.

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