How to Make Anti-Cold Remedy - Cooking - Handimania

How to Make Anti-Cold Remedy - Cooking - Handimania


Winter is coming, so brace yourself at once. Autumn conducive frequent illness, unfortunately. Cold mornings, very warm afternoons. In one moment you take your clothes off, cause you feel hot, and in the second the cold wind blows, and you feel freezing. You know the end of this story, don't you? At best, you just have a cold, at worst you have the flu or strep throat.

Nancy Vienneau wrote on her blog about the recipe that saved her family's health more than once. She made it only from a natural ingredients. I'm sure that it is much better that anything you can find in the drugstore. Of course is not some magic liquid which can cure any disease, but if you drink it regularly, it can significantly increase your immunity and prevent typical autumn diseases. If you're looking for other homemade good for health potions, check out Homemade Energy Drinks.

Do you have your tested anti-cold remedy? Write to me about this in comments below!

Check out the recipe on Nancy Vienneau's blog.

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