Marigold & Grey | Vendors We Love

Marigold & Grey | Vendors We Love


Today we're introducing one of our favorite local vendors! Jamie of Marigold & Grey is sharing her heart and business with us! Marigold & Grey is a website that allows brides, grooms and wedding planners design their own welcome gifts from the packaging (box, bag or basket) all the way to the contents inside (gourmet candy, snacks, beverages, toiletries and locally-inspired keepsakes).

Hi my name is Jamie! I live with my husband, Jeff, in the Washington DC area. When we married in late 2012, I not only became a "Mrs" but also instant stepmom to three kids! I definitely enjoy DC life but to be honest, I'm a Virginia girl at heart. I appreciate good bourbon and barbeque, football season, party planning and I'm hopelessly addicted to international travel. And some recent news...the kids and I finally talked my husband into getting a puppy! We rescued him from a shelter right after Christmas, brought him home and named him Lewis. I've been smitten ever since! And by the way, please forgive my hundreds of puppy Instagram posts. I can't help myself!

How did you get the idea for Marigold & Grey?

I first identified the need for boutique welcome gift service while preparing for my own wedding back in 2012. I spent way too much time trying to source locally-inspired items for my welcome gifts and in the end, some of them ended up being delivered to the wrong hotel altogether. It was a mess. It took another year after my wedding of me feeling unfulfilled in my corporate career where I sold bundled surgical supplies, before I actually resigned. I then jumped head-first into building the website and haven't looked back. Absolutely no regrets! I often am asked where the name came from - marigold & grey were my wedding colors.

What is one of the things that you like most about what you offer your clients?

I'm in the business of helping brides save time all while showing their appreciation to their wedding guests. Sometimes I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I love helping people give unique and thoughtful gifts they are proud of and also knowing that the recipient is going to love what they receive. It feels really good.

What is the hardest part about being a small business owner?

Oh, this is an easy one to answer! It's DEFINITELY having to be an expert at every aspect of the business. Social media, blogging, accounting, sales, marketing, web development, etc. In the beginning of a small business, you tend to have the least amount of resources but need the most help and guidance. It can be a tricky balance deciding which areas you should pay for expertise in right now versus which you should do for yourself for the time being. There are days I wish I had a business partner, even just to get a solid second opinion on things. Thankfully there are so many small business owners just a phone call or text message away, willing to offer advice and an encouraging word! The DC/MD/VA area is really a fantastic area to be in the wedding business.

How do you choose the products to offer on your website?

I seek out products that I like. My business focuses on locally inspired, small batch, and/or handcrafted items. I like quality! I'm also a huge sucker for unique and artistic packaging. On the more practical side of things, I look for items that will also transport well without a lot of risk of breaking or melting. I'm always on the lookout for new and different items to add to the collection. I don't foresee the collection always remaining the same!

What are your goals for 2015?

Professionally, I'm SO excited about my first first official wedding season with the website up and running. I also have a whole new line of pre-designed gifts in the works! I plan to add an intern within the next month to assist with gift production, styled shoots, blogging, social media and a few other things. We're off to a great start and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings! In terms of my personal life, I'd like to focus more on my health. I spent most all of 2014 working crazy hours at my desk building the branding and web presence. I ended up with a great website but was left feeling quite out of shape. I'm toying with the idea of doing something drastic like signing up for a 10K so I begin training for something with a set goal. I definitely thrive on firm deadlines.

How fantastic is this business? We're green with envy that this internship wasn't around years ago! Head over to the company website to customize gifts of your own!

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