Boxed candy place cards: a sweet way for guests to find their seats

Boxed candy place cards: a sweet way for guests to find their seats


Belinda and Danielle had a suuuuuuuuper-elegant, sparkly white wedding last April, but the ladies threw in some whimsical details too. One that I particularly loved was the hint of a movie theme. Check out their reception place cards that were personal boxes of Mike & Ike's and Junior Mints, just like you get at a theater! Look at the little movie ticket labels with their names and tables on them!

You could steal this for so many different types of weddings. Theater, movies, pop culture, Halloween - heck, who's doing a childhood-favorites theme? I know you're out there.

Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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