Pit Stop: The Benefits of Waxing Your Armpits l Makeup.com

Pit Stop: The Benefits of Waxing Your Armpits l Makeup.com


With summer right around the corner, our excuses for not shaving are rapidly running out. Bikinis, short shorts and sundresses typically call for our skin to be lovely and hair-free, especially in the armpit area. This sensitive little spot is seldom discussed, yet requires a lot of upkeep, especially in the summer months. However, the typical go-to for hair removal, shaving, can sometimes leave the underarm area just as unattractive as if it were covered in unruly hair. Yep, you know what we're talking about: bumps, razor burn, rashes. If you think you have no other hair removal options, you would be wrong. Have you ever considered waxing? If you're cringing at the thought of putting wax in the sensitive armpit region, allow us to calm your waxing fears with these three crucial benefits.

Longer Re-Growth Time

Unlike shaving, which can show signs of regrowth in just a few days, waxing can be done less frequently. Typical re-growth time can range from two to eight weeks, depending on your hair's natural regrowth cycle. Makes the "ouch" factor a little more bearable, right?

No More 5 O'Clock Shadow

That gross lingering hair that sticks around after shaving will be a distant memory when you switch to waxing. The gray, shadowy patches are a result of failing to get a close enough shave. Because wax pulls hair from the skin as opposed to simply shaving them from the surface, your skin will be clear of stubble and any discoloration. Yes, please!

Kiss Razor Burn Goodbye

Shaving, and the creams and soaps required, can often lead to irritation in the form of little red bumps or rash-like redness. Keep the red at bay by sticking to waxing and applying a post-wax solution designed to keep the area bump-free and smooth.

If you are starting to see a little post-wax redness, soothe the area with a little aloe-infused lotion, gel or oil (we love The Body Shop Aloe Soothing Gel).

Want some more tips to get your skin summer-ready? Click here for more great skincare tutorials!

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