DIY Flower Garland By A Splendid Occasion

DIY Flower Garland By A Splendid Occasion


We have a super cute flower garland that is perfect for Valentine's Day! Along with a sweet little coconut covered lemon cake on the most adorable purple cake stand. Both made from love from A Splendid Occasion! The idea came about when she saw the colors of the carnations available at a local flower shop in Chicago, the mini carnations were the perfect size for a cute garland.

You can use this adorable garland over a sweets table or a wedding backdrop. Hang it from removable hooks or tree branches. These tree branches are actually from A Splendid Occasion's Christmas tree that they chopped down in order to get it out of their tiny Chicago apartment. We love that they re-purposed these lovely branches for something so cute.

Supplies needed
1. Fishing Wire or thick embroidery thread
2. Large needle
3. 50 - 75 Mini Carnations (might be more or less depending on how long you want it to be)
4. Scissors

Step One- Prepare the flowers - Take your flowers out of the water and begin by cutting the stems off of each flower so that all you are left with is the flower. Repeat process with all of the carnations.

Step Two- Thread the needle - Thread the string into the needle and tie into a simple loop knot.

Step Three- Make the garland - Begin by pushing the needle through front end of the flower (the pretty part) and it will come out of the back end (green side). Pull through to desired length and continue this step with all of the flowers.

Step Four - Finish off the garland! Once you have all of the flowers threaded onto the string, tie a knot on both ends. Hang the garland above a beautiful cake or make a larger version or the background of your wedding ceremony. The opportunities are endless!

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