Pinterest for weddings - Oui Oui!!

Pinterest for weddings - Oui Oui!!


Do you Pin? If not, you are seriously missing out! I found Pinterest years ago and as a visual person fell in love instantly with the format. It is a whimsical mecca for everything wedding pretty, from the ultra luxurious and budget blowing ideas, to the easy to follow DIY tutorials that will have you grabbing the glue gun. If you are interested in Pinterest for weddings you can follow me here and I love to connect, so leave a comment blow with your Pinterest profiles.

With over 45,000 fellow wedding trulovers following my boards, today I am sharing with you a few of my favourites.

With every month that I run French Wedding Style, I see that French wedding dress designers are gaining in popularity with collections becoming available to international brides outside of Paris.

Don't limit yourself with preconceptions of what a French wedding venue is as the truth is, there is no traditional wedding venue. There is an eclectic range of wedding venues in France from grand Chateau, rustic farmhouses, to villas in Provence.

Look forward to pinning with you soon!

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