Instead of a receiving line, serve your guests dessert

Instead of a receiving line, serve your guests dessert


Maybe receiving lines aren't your thing. You're looking for an alternative, perhaps, something a bit more informal. You should totally steal Elle and Bear's idea! Rather than ask their guests to wait in a line to say hi, the couple grabbed platters of muffins and took them around right after the ceremony. Elle puts it really well:

We wanted to serve our guests, not just be served by staff ... It was great to have a quick chat, hug, and offer tasty treats in this way because these people had done so much for us.

We've definitely seen food-as-receiving-line ideas before (check out Ali and Phil's ice cream service and, while you're at it, our tag for alternate receiving lines). Clearly, offering dessert is an awesome way to say "thanks for everything, we love you, and you should totally try this" all at the same time.

About Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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