Elin Nordegren: 'The Word Betrayal Isn't Strong Enough'

Elin Nordegren: 'The Word Betrayal Isn't Strong Enough'



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Just because Elin Nordegren took a couple digs at Tiger Woods during that now-famous commencement speech earlier this month doesn't mean the former model is dwelling on the past.

"I have moved on, and I am in a good place," the 34-year-old told People magazine. "Our relationship is centered around our children, and we are doing really good - we really are. He is a great father."

What's more, Nordegren is supportive of Woods' relationship with Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn.

"I'm happy for Tiger ... In general, in any kind of stepparent relationship, I'm happy that there's somebody else loving my children," she told the magazine.

Despite her healthy perspective, Nordegren admitted to the mag that Woods' extramarital affairs rocked her to her core. "I felt safe with him," she said, "the word betrayal isn't strong enough."

Of course, we all know Nordegren is one tough cookie, which is why she's on a roll in her own life. She just graduated from Rollins college with a 3.96 GPA and has been dating coal magnate Chris Cline for the past year.

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Nordegren and Woods were married in 2004 and divorced in 2010, after the pro-golfer admitted to numerous extramarital affairs.

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