Rope Wall

Rope Wall


Our 'headquarters' comprises of a tiny office and a hall. Each member of our hadimania crew has their own desk and space to create. We like sharing ideas spending time together and discussing. However, sometimes our discussions become fierce but we always find a compromise to satisfy everyone. What we mainly disagree about is the mess in our office. That's why organizing the layout of such a small office is so crucial.

We try different tricks not to be flooded by materials. The girls have recently invested their time in making Wrapping Paper Bin. But now we're thinking of an ultimate solution for separating working stations from storage area. The Brick House inspired us to make a Rope Wall. They were also trying to figure out how to layout a warehouse space when they came up with extraordinary, maximum impact with minimal materials design. We need to appeal to their experience and give it a go.

We're also open to other solutions. Don't hesitate to share them below.

To see a tutorial of Rope Wall follow the link.

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